180 Day Plan

Our 180 DAY PLAN, as of 05/08/2024, COUNTDOWN TO NOVEMBER 5 TH .

On an almost daily basis, we see the Federal and State branches of government enact
unconstitutional acts such as administrative orders, executive orders, judiciary rulings,
legislative actions, mandates, proclamations, regulations, rules and treaties. These acts violate,
or at least unreasonably restrict, impede, or impinge upon our individual constitutional rights
and violate the fundamental American doctrine of separation of powers. During the 2020 Covid
crisis this was especially true, and these acts were used to usurp our God given constitutional
rights that are enumerated in the Bill of Rights in our Constitution. What can citizens, “We the
People”, do when the very structure of the election process is compromised, to ensure the
selection of elected officials in such a way, as to ensure that special interests are placed above
the will of the people and to ensure these officials are insulated from accountability and



The last hope citizens have for any help with protecting our constitutional rights is with our
sheriffs, local government and police force. Many counties and cities have worked together
with their law enforcement agencies to establish “Sanctuary Counties” for the 2 nd Amendment
and for the Bill of Rights as a means of protecting these rights from being illegally revoked in the
name of an emergency. To this end, we are organizing to empower citizens in counties and
cities throughout the state of Florida to require their county commissioners and city councils,
within their counties, to enact ordinances and resolutions designating their counties and cities
local sheriff and police departments. 


A BILL OF RIGHTS CONSTITUTIONAL SANCTUARY COUNTY is a county that, as described in “The
Doctrine of the Lessor Magistrates (Matthew J. Trewhella), interposes “The Lessor Magistrate”
to protect all its residents from state or federal governmental encroachment, upon the God

given rights and privileges of its citizens, that are guaranteed and protected by our original
Constitution and Bill of Rights.

In passing this type of ordinance or resolution, the county government seeks to stop the
unconstitutional circumvention of the legislative process and to nullify all acts, administrative
orders, executive orders, judiciary rulings, legislative actions, mandates, proclamations,
regulations, rules, statutes, and treaties which violates or unreasonably restricts, impedes, or
impinges upon an individual’s constitutional rights and violates the fundamental American
doctrine of separation of powers. In doing so, the county declares such “unlawful acts” to be
invalid in that county and that they shall not be recognized by that county, and that they shall
be considered null and void of law and of no effect in that county.


In this way, we hope to ensure that during the 2024 election cycle, any attempts from enemies
both foreign or domestic, to usurp our God given constitutional rights, will be resisted at our
county and city levels of government.


Florida has distinguished itself as one of the most constitutionally conservative states in the
union. Florida currently has four counties that have either passed a resolution or an ordinance,
putting the state and federal governments on notice, that their counties will follow the
Constitution, rather than adhere to governmental overreach designed to usurp citizens’ rights.
These four counties have put these resolutions in place in response to “Emergency” declarations,
resulting from the 2020 Covid “Scamdemic”, and the unconstitutional acts of our federal, state
and local governments. Likewise, over the last 2 decades, forty-four constitutionally
conservative recognized counties in Florida have passed second amendment sanctuary county
resolutions, giving state and federal agencies notice that the 2 nd amendment will be honored in
those counties. The actions by these counties were in response to both federal and state
attempts to usurp our 2 nd amendment right to bear arms, through gun control acts and red flag
laws, that permit state courts to order temporary seizure of firearms from a person who they
believe may present a danger. As a result of the longstanding problem with the illegal alien
invasion at our nation’s borders during the last decade, 47 County Sheriffs in Florida have signed
the memorandum of agreement with the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE),
indicating that they wish to cooperate in arresting, detaining, and deporting illegal aliens. This
program was gutted as of January 2021 when ICE was unconstitutionally told to “stand down”,
to no longer protect our borders and to no longer cooperate with that effort by our current


The previous actions of citizens to designate their counties as “Sanctuary Counties” appear to
be an indicator of the constitutionally conservative character of the citizens in these counties. It
would appear that at least two thirds (44 of the 67) of the counties in Florida are
constitutionally conservative. This is why we have selected Florida and specifically the 4 counties

that passed constitutional county resolutions or ordinances as our model for the
implementation of the Constitutional County Strategy.


Our goal in the next 180 days is to target these 47 constitutionally conservative counties and
secondarily, the other 30 in order to establish as many BILL OF RIGHTS CONSTITUTIONAL
as we can. A Constitutional County is established when the County
Board of Commissioners draw up and pass a resolution or ordinance that puts the state and
federal governments on notice that, in this county, the constitution will be followed any time the
state or federal government overreaches their authority in an attempt to usurp the God given
rights of we the people that are protected by the Constitution. This is the first step in
establishing the foundation of the County Commissioner Resolution, with the support of the
Sheriff and the Supervisor of Elections. The Commissioner’s Resolution reestablishes the
sovereignty of the Constitutional Republic, the Sheriff as the elected official that provides for
enforcement and the Supervisor of Elections ensures that the will of the people is accurately
represented in the election process by making their county a hard target to cheat in by adhering
to our Model Election Security Plan. These three legs establish the foundation for the
constitutional county.


The first step in working with your Supervisor of elections will be to ask each supervisor and
their team to evaluate our “Model Election Security Plan” that has been drafted in response to
the failure of our legislature to pass meaningful election integrity legislation this last session.
Since all Supervisors of Elections, (SOE’s) are required to have an Election Security Plan, we
decided to work directly with them to put together a comprehensive, “Best-Practices Election
Security Plan” that potentially could be adopted by the State Association of SOE’s as best
practices. This best-practices plan was crafted from the Florida SOE’s, Election Security Plans
that provided for the maximum amount of election integrity. After review, new language was
added to close any security gaps in those plans, that we felt were not adequately addressed.


Currently, five counties are reviewing their plans and will provide us with feedback as to
whether or not the best-practices plan adequately represents the best practices for an accepted
Election Security Plan. After their final review of the document, they will be asked to sign a
statement acknowledging their endorsement and intent to implement the plan. If they are not
willing to endorse the plan (as-is), they will be asked to identify specific language needed to be
added or changed to make the plan provide for their security needs, in order for them to
endorse the plan. This process will be repeated with all SOE’s across the state and when a
(simple) majority of SOE’s have endorsed the plan we will call for it to be adopted as best
practices by the State Association of SOE’s.


Other elected officials will also be asked to review their Best Constitutional Practices for their
specific sphere of influence. This document will be presented to elected officials consisting of

lessons learned from the Covid shutdown, regarding unconstitutional governmental overreach
and will have specific examples of this type of overreach that will not be tolerated in that
county. Likewise, these elected officials will be asked to endorse these best practices or stipulate
what would need to be changed for them to do so. Each item on a Best Practices Sheet, that we
will provide them with, is a constitutional issue of the governmental usurpation of our rights and
specifically identifies violations of the Constitution and rule-of-law during the covid
“Scamdemic” that were not adequately addressed by cities, counties, and states. The signing of
these endorsements or failure to do so can be used as an election platform given many Elected
Officials are up for reelection in 2024.


The following are the various phases of the 180-day plan.


Phase One: Building the Base


In this phase we will contact grassroots, constitutionally conservative groups, to partner
with us as we present the message of the BILL OF RIGHTS CONSTITUTIONAL SANCTUARY
This effort is designed to reestablish the county as the “Lessor Magistrate”, putting
the state and federal governments on notice that unconstitutional governmental overreach, of
any kind, will not be tolerated. The key is to have the sheriff, county commissioners and
supervisor of elections all working together to ensure this. Additionally, one of the key objectives
of phase one is to identify an individual that will act as the County Program Director to organize
phase two to educate and establish a network with the public.


Phase Two: Sphere of Influence Teams


The County Program Director will identify and organize individuals and train teams to
establish relationships with leaders in their sphere of influence. The teams will work with the
leaders in their sphere of influence and help them to identify and articulate constitutional issues
that need to be resolved. The County Program Director will network and partner with other
grassroots groups, in adjacent counties, to deliver Phase One presentations to broaden our
reach to neighboring counties. The teams specifically work with:


1. Sheriffs / Law Enforcement / First Responders / Emergency Response
2. Alternative Infrastructure
3. County Commissioners
4. Supervisors of Elections
5. City Councils
6. State Legislators
7. Federal Legislators
8. Judiciary
9. Executive Branch
10. Public Relations / Media / Events /Outreach


Prior to the Day 120, Large Scale Event and Call to Action on 9/7/24, we will send the “We the
People 2 Notice” to everyone we have gotten on our collective email, call to action group, and to
their elected officials to set the stage for our delivery of the next 3 notifications during phase 4.


Phase Three: Day 120 Large Scale Event & Call to Action (Sat 09/07/2024)


State and County Directors, in partnership with their grassroots partners, will organize a
large statewide meeting with key, constitutionally conservative figures, that have stood up for
our constitutional rights to provide their experience and insights and enlist the general public in
our combined grassroots, Phase Four action plan on an individual, city, county, state and
national level. The plan of action is designed to, through Constitutional Law, reestablish our
Constitutional Republic and nullify all unconstitutional acts, including executive orders,
legislation, proclamations, rules, regulations, statutes, supreme court decisions, treaties and
other acts that have been systematically used to usurp our God given constitutional rights.


Phase Four: 60 Day Implementation of the Call to Action (The 2024 Elections 11/05/2024)


Phase Four is the culmination of all the work we will have done in each sphere of
influence to create the momentum we need to mobilize “We the People”, to reestablish our
Constitutional Republic. In this phase we will successfully use the various constitutional tools we
have developed to peacefully impact all our spheres of influence and reaffirm our God given,
constitutionally protected rights to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”. This is where,
over the next 60 days, we send our elected officials the “We the People 2, Notifications of
Specific Actions
” they will need to take or face removal from office for cause. Our goal, through
our united call to action and mobilization, is to have the three legs (County Board of
Commissioners, Supervisor of Elections and County Sheriff) of the BILL OF RIGHTS
in place across Florida and be the template for the rest
of the country to follow. In this way we will demonstrate how the three legs, acting as the
“Lessor Magistrate”, can take action to restore our nation by interposing against
unconstitutional governmental overreach and by holding all elected officials accountable for
their actions, according to the sacred trust they assumed when they took their oath of office.
They took this oath in order to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies
both foreign and domestic.


Ways to Take Action:
1. - Join CSPOA
- Financially Support The Effort
- Get Educated & Stay Informed

2. - Sign Up on Email List to Participate
- Participate in Bimonthly Meetings
- Be a Cyber Warrior for Call to Action
- Support Community Outreach & Events
- Be a Sphere of Influence Activist

3. - Become County Program Director
- Build Contact Lists
- Conduct Bimonthly Meetings
- Organize Outreach & Events
- Network with other Directors & Groups
- Coordinate Sphere of Influence Teams
- Give the FFF CSPOA Introduction Talk
- Expand into Adjacent Counties

4. - Become Sphere of Influence Team Leader
- Get Trained in Strategy for Your Sphere of Influence
- Build Your Team of Activists
- Conduct Team Meetings
- Implement Strategy with Team
- Network with Other Teams & Groups
- Update Strategy Based on Results

5. - Join Sphere of Influence Team
- Attend Meetings & Training
- Participate in Becoming the Solution
- Use Talents and Gifting to Forward Mission
- Network and Encourage Others to Join Team

6. - Commit to 180 Day Plan of Action
Phase 1: 5/8/24 90 Days Building the Base
Phase 2: 11/5/24 180 Days Sphere of Influence Teams
Phase 3: 9/7/24 120 Days The Large Event Call to Action
Phase 4: 11/5/24 Implementation of Call to Action


…And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the
protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our

Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.


Just as our Founding Fathers put all they had on the line for the cause of freedom, we too are
called at such a time as this to stand for what is right. I thank you for your consideration of
joining in the good fight and I pray that God will direct your path. I look forward to hearing from
you soon.


God Bless,
Bill Mitchell,
Florida State Director FFF CSPOA