About the Foundation For Freedom Conference

This is a conference where we explore the question What is “The Foundation for Freedom” and how does that apply to our Founding Documents and our examination of both historical and contemporary challenges that have faced people of faith in this country.


Depending on your view of what is the Foundation for our Freedom, that perception will color how you view the many challenges we face in securing the spheres of influence that make up society. For instance, if your view is that man is a product of the random chance combining of the essential elements of life that evolved in like manner to what we have today, then it would logically follow that our freedom to choose is likewise a result of this random process. This would mean that we only have self-imposed restraints that are totally unconnected to design or a designer. If however, you believe that the evidence of design is self-evident in creation and that this implies a creator and intelligent design then success in navigating life would be dependent on one’s relationship or connection with the designer. Likewise, one view would promote man as being the source of freedom the other would view the creator or God as that source.


An example of how this works is exemplified in an exercise I have used in presentations. The exercise is to connect 9 dots configured in the form of a square, with 4 straight lines without lifting your pencil. No other rules are given as to how to accomplish this. If you perceive the problem to be confined to the area of the square and try to solve it with these self-imposed limitations, you have now been trapped into an insoluble exercise. This is because the  solution lies outside of the perceived square and not within it. So, until one’s perception is changed to allow for solutions outside of the box, the problem will remain unsolved.


We believe, like our founding fathers, that God is the source of our freedoms and are a part of our design which is why they should be viewed as being inalienable. This is why our founding fathers crafted our Constitutional Republic rather than a democracy so that our government would be established to preserve, protect and defend our God given freedoms from all enemies both foreign and domestic. You see in a democracy all you need is 51% of the vote and the majority rules no matter what the issue is or if it deprives you of your God given freedoms. The constitutional republic establishes rules and guidelines designed to protect those freedoms so that if anyone in government or even we the people vote to violate that freedom we have those guidelines in place that protect us even from our own best intentions.


The purpose of the conference is to bring together people of faith to explore this question of our Foundation for Freedom as it relates to our founding documents, their historical application and contemporary challenges and solutions needed in our modern world.


Our first conference is the result of a 120-day effort to see how well received the concept of a Constitutional Renaissance through the use of a Constitutional County Ordinance or Resolution. Our goal was to in the 180 days prior to the November 5th election was to see how such a concept would be received in a state where two thirds of the counties in the state had already found a simple solution to the governmental infringement of their 2nd amendment rights by the use of such tools.


Our conference successfully brought people together from not only Florida but from other parts of the nation to engage in this exploration from the perspective of their particular sphere of influence. Our hope now in the remaining days until November the 5th when the 180 Day Plan ends is that the momentum we have gained will engage many more people in this conversation.


The conversation by no means ends on November 5th, and it appears unlikely that it will not come to a conclusion any time soon. It is a conversation we should always be having if we are to fulfill our own responsibility to be always vigilant of where our rights come from, knowing what those rights are, what our responsibility is to uphold those rights is, and to be supportive of our founding documents that were established to protect our freedoms through a Constitutional Republic.


As we move forward into 2025 this conversation will be increasingly relevant as we seek to make sure that our Foundation for Freedom is secure. My hope and prayer is that you will join us in this conversation to unite the our country around it’s founding principles to ensure our God given freedoms in the future.

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